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Get A Website

Sell yourself online easily with a CiK CMS website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Web Promotion for your Business using CMS

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Promote your business with CMS website

Your website must reflect your business USPs

  "for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"

Your Website must reflect your Businesses Unique Selling Points

It’s Your Business

Every business is different. Even though you have competitors in the same line of work you will be different. No two accountants are the same. No two plumbing businesses are the same. You know this. This is why you do what you do. Somehow your website has to capture this flavour of your uniqueness and turn it into words and pictures that will appeal to people in need of your services.

This is easier said than done. When asked what makes you different? What do you say? Many people say they are “passionate about ….whatever”, “intend to be the best … whatever”, “will give the best service”. etc etc” – but doesn’t everyone say just that? Have you ever heard a business promoting itself aiming for second or third best?

So WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT? This is where a really good business consultant helps. Just talking through what you do lets a skilled listener reveal those little nuances you never thought about that make you different; that make your customers return; that make your customers recommend you. I have done a website site for a cleaning business. All cleaning business are the same, aren’t they? Well You would think so from how our conversation started. At first, I learned that this business cleaned carpets, tided houses, deep cleaned kitchens, sorted out householders’ belongings for charities, for selling, and other decluttering etc etc. Nothing unique so far …… . Further discussion revealed just how these were done. This lady through her own personal experiences had a deep insight into the psychology of why people can’t bear to throw things away. Especially the sensitivities surrounding a deceased loved ones belongings. Her skill and her compassion gave to her customers much more than simply cleaning – they were emotionally replenished too! This was her USP it differentiated her cleaning business from every other cleaning business and she never noticed she was even doing it!

You need to be clear about your USPs. Now I would advise based on my experience of being in the computer industry for 40+ years that most computer people are simply not cut out for this type of insight. You may be lucky and find a web programming person with great people skills but they are very rare! If you are having trouble finding one then lookup and give me a call. All advice is free so you have nothing to lose.

Out of interest here are a few questions designed to seek out USPs that you can ask yourself about your business.

  • Why should I do business with you rather than someone else?
  • What can your product or service do for me that others can’t?
  • What can you guarantee to me that no one else can guarantee?

For a no obligation discussion about how a website can help your business and what is involved in getting it to help your business please give me call. Contact me here.

"for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"