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Get A Website

Promote your business with CMS website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Sell yourself online easily with a CiK CMS website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Web Promotion for your Business using CMS

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website
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Get A Website

Get a quote for a Computers-in-Kent CMS website

Reliably delivering website services

  "for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"

Your website must reliably deliver its services

Your business website may be like an online brochure designed to catch interest and encourage people to contact you by phone or email. You may have many pages. In fact, you want quite a lot. Websites with little to say do not look valuable to search engines. So, if this is your kind of website and the majority of websites are just this then you need:

  • Lots of interesting pages, sensibly organised. Where possible keep to a single topic per page. This makes it easier to be precise with page titling and content so you are found more easily in searches. If you keep your readers attention on your page this too is noticed by the search engines and adds to your credibility. It reduces what is known as the ‘bounce rate’. What I am saying here is that your site must be truly informative about its subject matter.
  • Provide clear instruction or “signposting” to your customers on what to do next. Tell them to ring you for more details. Keep any offers such as “free consultation” clearly visible.
  • Use a contact form – preferably one that holds the customers details on a database so you can’t lose them or forget!
  • Present your email address and telephone clearly. Sometimes customers don’t want to use your online form for a number of reasons.
  • Use appropriate font styles colours and sizes. If your site is marketing mobility scooters you probably need a larger font size. Just make it easy for who you think your potential customers are.
  • If it helps or you already have paper brochures add them to your website and allow customers to download them.

If your business website includes e-commerce to allow customers to purchase products or services you need all the things mentioned for brochure sites above plus you will need some specific features just for shopping. You will also need a set of order and customer processing facilities to let you manage your sales. Click here for full details.

To get your website to match your business USPs and provide the features you need needs a thorough understanding not just of what is available technically but also a through understanding of your business. This is the key reason why you need to know and trust your web developer and use someone you get along with and can work with.

"for advice on computers or websites please contact me for a free discussion"